ASHEVILLE, NC -- The National Training Center for Stone & Masonry Trades (NTC) has recently announced its 2005 seminar schedule. “In addition to our stone fabrication and restoration programs, we have also added some exciting new seminars this year, including CNC and concrete polishing,” said Fred Hueston, NTC director. The following is NTC's schedule for 2005: Stone Fabrication: February 24 to 26, April 7 to 9, June 9 to 11, August 18 to 20, October 13 to 15, December 8 to 10; Engineered Stone Fabrication: March 10 to 11, June 23 to 24; Interior Stone Restoration: January 13 to 14, July 21 to 22, September 22 to 23, December 15 to 16; Advanced Stone Restoration: July 14 to 15; Engineered Stone Polishing and Repair: January 21, May 20, July 9, September 30; Countertop Repair and Polishing: May 21, July 23, September 24, December 17; Advanced Stone Fabrication: June 12, August 21, October 16; Countertop Templating and Installation: February 23, April 6, August 17, December 7; Certified Stone Inspector: June 27 to 31. New seminars in 2005 include: Concrete Floor Polishing: March 24, August 26, December 2; CNC Basics: May 25 to 27, September 14 to 16; Introduction to CNC: February 18, May 13, August 12, October 7. For further information and descriptions of each seminar, visit the NTC Web site at