Avocatus from Mag Ban.

As the Vitoria Stone Fair continues in the stoneworking center of Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, exhibitors are showcasing a range of new materials to the marketplace. In particular, exotics are taking center stage on the show floor.

English Oak from Marmi Bruno Zanet

These materials are being quarried in Espirito Santo and other states in Brazil, such as Minas Gerais, Bahia, Ceara and more. While some are classified as quartzites and others are granites, still others are combinations of various geological structures.

New source of Giallo Ornamental from Andrade

Moreover, some stone suppliers have unveiled slabs of traditional Brazilian materials from new quarry sites.

Speaking on business in general, many Brazilian stone producers have said they have seen an uptick in sales for three straight months, and they are optimistic that some of the new material introductions will help the industry offset the "price wars" associated with the more common stones from Brazil.

Palamino from Bramagran

A full review of the fair will be published in a future issue of Stone World as well aswww.StoneWorld.com.