The Seam Setter VCA by Omni Cubed is replacing the Seam Setter VC2 model. It joins seams, levels seams and stabilizes back splashes. The vacuum pump operates on AC Power or a single 9V battery.The working area is easily accessible with the units inplace, so removal is not needed in order to apply epoxy or scrape the seam, reports the manufacturer.The seam levelers slide in tracks for custom placement on both sides of the seam and feature non-spinning feet with replaceable vinyl caps to prevent scratching of surfaces.The durable tightening handles are anodized machined billet aluminum, and the large 6-inch cups handle heavy counter tops with ease, according to Omni Cubed. The set includes seam setters, storage case, pump, adapters, thumb-pump plungers (new back-up pumping option) and cup covers.