Stone Worldand the delegation of U.S. fabricators and stone suppliers had the opportunity to visit Levante & Co.’s Perlato marble quarry, which has been in operation for approximately 40 years. The quarry is roughly 60 to 80 meters deep, and it produces between 20,000 and 30,000 tons of marble annually.
With 10 full-time employees, the quarry is operational year-round. On average, blocks weigh 25 tons, and the minimum size is 15 tons.
At the time of Stone World’s visit, a wall was being taken down at the quarry site. Levante explained that the process is called bancata. Air cushions were put in place behind the wall to expand the crack, and then Caterpillar excavators were used to pull the wall down. Once the block is cut, it is washed off so the true color of the stone is revealed.