The International Surface Event, a combination of Surfaces, StonExpo/Marmomacc Americas and Tile Expo, brought together stone and stoneworking technology, as well as tile, tile-setting products, carpet, wood and linoleum. The event was held from January 20 to 23, 2015 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. Exhibits were open from January 21 to 23, and education programs went from January 20 to 23.
The show featured 707 exhibiting companies that showcased their products and services, covering around 350,000 total square feet. Roughly 22% of the exhibiting companies were new participants to the show.
“The International Surface Event 2015 was one of the strongest in recent history,” said Dana Teague, vice president with Informa Exhibitions U.S. “The synergy from having five shows taking place the same week provided substantial new business opportunities for both exhibitors and attendees.”
This year’s show attracted exhibitors and attendees from over 80 countries with significant representation from global markets such as Mexico, China, Australia, Japan and Italy.
“The show is definitely better than last year,” said Matt Peterson of Atlas Copco. “We started three years ago and not many people knew us, now they do and we are seeing a lot more traffic at our booth.”
Classroom sessions that took place during the event included, but not limited to, an open Fabricator Forum, the MIA-Navigating an Onsite Safety Consultation to Meet OSHA Guidelines and an introduction to the ANSI/NSC 373 Sustainable Production of Natural Dimension Stone. Attendance at the TISE 2015 education program experienced a significant double-digit increase with over 25% of the total audience registering for sessions offered during the show.
“StonExpo 2015 far exceeded expectations for ETemplate,” said Paul Hansen. “The ELaser, featuring the latest version of Measure Manager, was well received by attendees and complimentary of its new cabinet flatness routine and enhanced automated countertop design functions. The self-leveling and built-in video features of the 3D laser were also identified as very useful functions. Cabinet Vision and 2020 Design users welcomed ELaser’s direct integration capabilities.”
“The Cage,” presented by the Stone Fabricators Alliance, featured hands-on demonstrations that included dressing and setting seams, top polishing and repairing quartz and honing techniques for marble and granite.
“The momentum is already building for TISE 2016, which will once again be held in conjunction with Design & Construction Week,” said Amie Gilmore, director of The International Surface Event. “Nearly 80% of the show floor for the (January) 2016 event is already sold.”
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