KNOXVILLE, TN--These days it is rare to have employee longevity, but Braxton-Bragg recently celebrated 16 employees that have been with the company more than a decade, and six that have more than five years of service. Jack Harrison, who started as one of Doug Slocum’s first employees in 1995, tops the list with more than 20 years of service handling warehouse orders. Approaching two decades with more than 18 years, is Larry Hood, editor of Slippery Rock Gazette. He began his Braxton-Bragg career with freelance graphics in 1998, but was officially brought on staff later.

“I was here in 1995, helping Braxton-Bragg set up shop and have worked in the warehouse shipping and receiving department ever since,” says Harrison. “I love the people here, and they have always treated me well and rewarded me for taking pride in my job. Braxton-Bragg is growing by leaps and bounds, and I am excited to see where we go from here.”

“To become CEO of a company that has such loyal employees has been a breath of fresh air,” says Rick Stimac, who took the reins in October 2017. “Many of them have taught me about our industry, and provided history on where Braxton-Bragg came from, so that we were able to strategically plan our future.”

Braxton-Bragg has streamlined operations, and added numerous vendor partnerships since Stimac came on board, expanding the stone fabrication CNC offering, as well as flooring essentials.

Top left: CFO Dave Jester, Jack Harrison Shipping/Receiving, CEO Rick Stimac.

Top right: CEO Rick Stimac, Editor Slippery Rock Gazette Larry Hood, IT Cecil Allred, Shipping/Receiving Steve Copeland, Tool Repair Bill Roberts, Shipping Adam Lynch, Director of Purchasing Patsy Mode,  Customer Service Ken Brock, Warehouse David Green, Accounts Receivable Rhonda Griffin, CFO Dave Jester.

Bottom left: CEO Rick Stimac, Vice President of Development Bill Hickey, Technical Operations Charles Chesteen, CFO Dave jester, Shipping Mike Vinyard, Warehouse Manager Ted Carver, Graphic Design William Brown, Warehouse Tammy Glass

Bottom right:  CFO Dave Jester, Webmaster & E-marketing Manager Derek Brodka, CNC Customer Service Daryl Sims, Customer Service, & Web Sales Bill Burgess, Customer Service Andrew Geronimo, Customer Service Darrell Lynch, Customer Service Account Manager Mike King, CEO Rick Stimac.