Gus Majarro of Stone Source will present a webinar on the ROI of Safety: A Case Study of DPMO in the Stone Industry on Thursday, October 4, 2018 from 2 to 3 p.m. (EST). The complimentary webinar is being offered by the Natural Stone Institute.

DPMO (Deficiencies per Million Opportunities) is a concept used by Fortune 500 companies to increase profits. In this interactive discussion, review a case study of how one company applied this business policy to slab handling at their facility. Discuss how this policy increased safety while improving the bottom line.

In this session, participants will:

Learn how DPMO can help companies save money while increasing safety.

Discuss a slab handling case study and how DPMO lowered safety occurrences on the jobsite.

Create a plan to implement DPMO in your company’s safety program.

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