WASHINGTON, DC -- Dozens of American quartz fabricators, who represent some 50,000 industry workers throughout all 50 states, gathered at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on Thursday, May 9th to speak out against the anti-dumping and countervailing duty petition filed by Cambria LLC. Witnesses and supporters from the American Quartz Worker Coalition urged the ITC to consider the significant impacts that duties would have on American quartz workers and on the broader U.S. quartz market. Specifically, the Coalition will warn that, by creating huge cost increases for imported quartz, the duties would remove approximately 50% of available quartz supply from the market, reducing affordable options for American consumers and threatening tens of thousands of quartz-related U.S. fabricating jobs.

For its part, petitioner Cambria recently filed a new antidumping and countervailing (AD/CVD) petition, this time seeking duties on imports of quartz from India and Turkey. This is further proof that Cambria is attempting to abuse U.S. trade law to the detriment of other American companies throughout the industry.

Learn more about the hearing and the trade case at www.savequartzjobs.org.  Follow the Coalition on Twitter at @QuartzWorkers and #SaveQuartzJobs.