As most of you are aware, we cover North American Quarried Stone a couple of times per year. Whether large or small, each company has its own unique story to share. At the root of all of them is a common thread – a genuine passion for the beauty and sustainability of natural stone.

In this issue, we feature a one-on-one interview with Patrick Perus, CEO of Polycor. Over the years, this Canadian-based stone producer has expanded tremendously. It now owns more than 50 quarries – with new acquisitions occurring regularly. Jason Kamery, Stone World’s managing and group digital editor, recently had the opportunity to talk with Patrick about Polycor’s business philosophy and the company’s commitment to the natural stone industry. You can find the Q&A beginning on page 52. There will also be a podcast posted soon on our website,, with more of their conversation.

We also focus on another long-time stone producer, New England Stone. First a skilled stone carver, Tony Ramos established his company to preserve historic stone that has been used to build many notable buildings in the U.S. To date, he has 19 quarries in operation. Tony explains his devotion to natural stone and his quarrying operations in a story beginning on page 64.

You will find that while the stone producers featured in this issue might seem very different, on one hand, on the other, they are very similar. They both have a strong dedication to promoting the use, strength, durability and aesthetic value of natural stone. And they believe in a unified industry for the overall good of everyone. I couldn’t agree more. In a day and age where health and the environment is at the forefront for many people, it is a great time to be promoting the inherent qualities and sustainability of natural stone. Every effort can make a difference, and working as a collective group can certainly make a significant impact. Associations such as the Natural Stone Institute are making a big push to promote natural stone and the industry through its Use Natural Stone campaign. Additionally, the Natural Stone Council is working diligently to develop standards that quarriers can adhere to and to become certified – guaranteeing that their products are not only sustainable, but have been processed with the environment in mind.

If you are a stone producer and would like to tell your story, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are always looking to shine a spotlight on those that are working hard to produce long-lasting material that is being used for new homes and buildings, as well as to replace existing stone pieces in renovation and restoration projects. The more the architecture and design community, as well as homeowners, are aware of the resources that are available to them and their benefits, the more we will be seeing natural stone a top choice for designs.