I don’t care if you are a one-man shop or you are producing 4,000 square feet a day.

I don’t care that you are fully digital and automated, or 100% manual.

What you and I all face is exactly the same, only different; and they are OUR problems.

Where can you talk to people who do the same thing that you do every day?

• Matt Lansing overcame the ultimate business decision; dramatically change direction or die.

• Ron Hannah streamlined his business to exploit a specific market segment and also supply this industry with a problem-solving product.

• Joey Marcella, while running a successful slab business, followed his passion of sculpting and thus achieved the highest recognition available in this industry.

• James Donaire has embodied the definition of service, humanity and brotherhood in this industry.

• Me, I’m just a pretty face who will talk about anything especially when the topic
is stone.

These are all leaders of our industry, but, there are so many more. 

Where can you find them?

In the Stone Fabricators’ Alliance.

Have a question, or a problem, post it.

I guarantee you will get answers, many of them within minutes of your post.

You may not agree with all of them but, you will get many viewpoints from different angles looking at and dealing with the challenges that YOU face.

We are all here and have the desire and drive to change this industry for the better.

“A rising tide floats all boats.”

For me, the best part is the unwavering friendships and mutual experiences that I could Never have been blessed with without the SFA.

Join us.

Together we are stronger.

— Dave Scott