VERONA, ITALY – As Marmomac 2021 wraps up today, attendees and exhibitors the past few days should have noticed a communal vibe throughout the international stone exhibition. When 

announcing the return of an in-person event for its 55th edition, show management also unveiled  a fresh marketing campaign in terms of concept and images. For the first time in the history of the exhibition, stone gives up its place -- central to promotion in previous years -- to the women and men of the natural stone community. The objective is to emphasize the enormous similarity between natural stone, with its characteristic elegance, resistance, strength and timeless charm, and members of the sector, to acknowledge them by highlighting the courage and resilience they showed through this prolonged period of uncertainty and difficulty. Four faces dominate the signs inside and outside the exhibition center -- welcoming visitors to Marmomac with a strong message of hope for the future in the awareness of what the sector has proved capable of tackling in the recent past. “Welcome Back to Verona” is the slogan of the campaign. It is a welcome for the return of the in-person attendance of international visitors in an entire sector that represents the excellence of made in Italy all over the world.