MADRID, SPAIN -- Urbanization focusing on people, well-being and a return to nature will be the major design trends in 2024 in architecture, interior decorating, fashion and industry, according to the book “Inspiring Living For Tomorrow. Lifestyle Trends 2024”, published by Neolith, the global leader in sintered stone. Neolith is very closely linked to the worlds of design, fashion, art and architecture. The book was presented at a global event held earlier this month in Madrid gathering major figures from the world of design. 

Two outstanding industry professionals, Gudy Herder and Enric Pastor, collaborated on the development of this first Neolith Trend Report, which offers an in-depth analysis of what’s going on in the world, how society is changing and users’ new needs in relation to the environment. In addition, it shows how imagination is the main driver of feeding innovation and enabling the creation of places where people want to live, feel and enjoy. 

The global book launch was held in Madrid earlier this month among members of the design and architecture community at an event which brought together more than 200 professionals from all over the world who joined in person and via live stream.

The event also featured the participation of José Luis Ramón and Oliver de la Rica, respectively CEO and CMO of Neolith Group, in addition to some of the collaborators who worked on the report such as the well-known interior designer Patricia Bustos, artist Rafafans and the innovative interior design studio Naifactory. It was a meeting of experts aimed at discussing the purpose of this project and trends linked to inspiration, emotion and creativity.

For José Luis Ramón, CEO of Neolith Group, “This book confirms our commitment to society, and its needs and demands, all while in line with our DNA, highlighting our desire to always be on the cutting edge, identifying the major trends of a new lifestyle which prioritizes personal well-being and respect for the environment and sustainability as they apply to fields such as architecture, interior design, fashion and industry in general where Neolith surfaces can play a key role.”

The book provides examples of how architecture, interior design, fashion, and industry are changing to create a more livable and sensorial environment that is closer than ever to its origins. It’s all about a transformation where everything around us is connected, changing our relationships with the environment, in such a way that each of us can interpret and experience these trends.

The report also identifies and analyzes new international currents in all creative areas: interior decorating, design, architecture, art and lifestyle, with a special focus on sustainability and the new ways of creating and living in spaces after observing the values of today’s professionals and consumers and how they express them. It reflects what’s happening and what’s going to happen within the next several months through messages, values and a design language that includes color, shapes and materials. 

“This work makes it really clear just how important it is for Neolith to make unique emotional connections with our end users and all the professionals who place their trust in us,” said Oliver de la Rica, CMO of Neolith Group, “It serves as a guiding light for all sectors participating and invigorating these social changes as well as a holistic vision surrounded by design, trends, fashion, beauty and creativity.”

Three important macrotrends

The first has to do with the Urbanization of an Autonomous Spirit as the facilitator of a more streamlined, autonomous and sustainable lifestyle where space is no longer static, now allowing for all sorts of uses in homes and offices as well as in commercial and public spaces. Cities are also changing, becoming bigger, with space becoming more and more valuable. In response, we’re seeing the rise of microliving, modularity and multi-functional versatility, which allow users to experiment and adapt spaces to their own needs as if a game. All of this is being completed with a “green” and sustainable approach to urbanization as well as a specific type of architecture: Greentecture, which is based on bioclimatic and self-sufficiency criteria. On the other hand, interior design is adding flexibility, play and a green perspective to its vocabulary as reflected by bright and happy colors: the yellow of Bach flower, burnt red and amaranth, eucalyptus green, cobalt blue as well as azalea pink and purple. 

Well-being and self-care are key to spatial design, linking physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual and financial applications. Concepts such as self-care, relaxation and contemplation must be taken into account by brands, professionals and institutions when designing airports, banks, hospitals and other public places. Promoting well-being is the goal. Nowadays, users’ decisions are based more on emotions and their well-being and balance, which is an excellent opportunity to create real value. Concepts like restorative design, a holistic approach or regenerative missions are beginning to be taken into account when designing healthcare spaces such as clinics, hospitals and even pharmacies, not to mention residential projects. Teleworking has opened up our homes and design, and interior decorating is turning homes into safe places as the scenario for multisensorial well-being.

Nature and a natural balance comprise the third macrotrend. Awareness for environmental respect is becoming stronger all the time. We’re in the era of researching materials, innovating, and transferring these results to commercial use so we can all contribute and access environmentally friendly environments and projects. A third of all consumers are willing to invest more and more in sustainable products, and companies must be ready for sustainability to become the expectation and not the exception in the future. Brands are beginning to facilitate more responsible consumption. Teaching people to value what we already have instead of quickly replacing everything will lead to a cultural change. 2024 will be the great era of respect, of zero waste generation and upcycling.

“Inspiring Living For Tomorrow. Lifestyle Trends 2024 by Neolith” is an accessible work tool reflecting months of research into trends in the home furnishings, furniture and equipment sector based on experiences deriving from the COVID pandemic, remote work and the search for personal well-being which are bringing about changes as reflected in the designs of the spaces we live in and use. The texts and images are meant to inspire the creation of new projects among interior design professionals and enthusiasts.