VÍTORIA, ESPÍRITO SANTO, BRAZIL -- The Brazilian natural stone market reached a new milestone in 2024. The best result accrued between January and April in the last 10 years. Exports in the industry registered a growth of 15.7% over the four months, generating $387.9 million in business deals. The data was released on Thursday, May 9th by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas). 

The main destinations for these exports were the U.S., with a share of 58.06%; followed by China, with 14.10%; Italy, with 6.75%; Mexico, with 5.06%; and the United Kingdom, with 1.68%. The growth in exports of natural stones to the U.S. market during the period achieved an increase of +30.2%, with strong demand for quartzites, which represent 55.06% of everything exported and grew by 57.03% over the previous year.

"We are excited about the positive results obtained by the stone industry so far,” said Tales Machad, the president of the national natural stone association. “Since January, we have participated in four major actions through It's Natural - Brazilian Natural Stone, a program to promote exports developed by Centrorochas and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). Three of them took place in the U.S. and one in China. We are always very proud of the reception our products receive in the international market." 

Those interested in exploring sectoral data and better understanding the panorama of the natural stone market may have access to BI Centrorochas, a platform that provides a detailed analysis, including maps and graphs that facilitate understanding of trends and patterns in the industry. The tool is available for immediate access, and interested parties can contact Centrorochas at (+ 55) 27 99802-9651 for further information.