Cosentino, a global leader in quartz and architectural surfacing, is accepting entries for its second annual Kitchen & Bath of the Year contest, which celebrates the most beautifully designed kitchen and bath spaces featuring Cosentino surfaces.
Thank you for taking the time to read Contemporary Stone & Tile Design. I know that as architects and designers, you have extremely busy days and we at the magazine wanted to let you know we appreciate your support.
Woodlands Business Park, located 10 minutes outside of downtown Salt Lake City, UT, consists of four office towers and two retail buildings, totaling 460,000 square feet of space.
Pirch has chosen Cosentino to be the exclusive surfacing provider of its new flagship showroom at 200 Lafayette Street in SoHo, New York, which opened on May 21.
The industry's largest manufacturer conference is focused on bringing together customers and partners for thoughtful conversation on the industry and projections for the year ahead.
The industry's largest manufacturer conference is focused on bringing together customers and partners for thoughtful conversation on the industry, and projections for the year ahead.
Being able to see, touch and test tile samples in a space has always been important for architects and designers, but it is often cumbersome for architectural representatives to tote around large samples, and difficult for designers to store them in small studio spaces.
This year's conference, entitled "Leading by Example", gathered over 90 of the company's directors, representing numerous business segments from more than 25 countries.
In mid-November, the Cosentino Group, a global leader in the production and distribution of natural stone, quartz, recycled and architectural surfaces, acquired its Canadian distribution partner, Maple Terrazzo Inc., for $11 million.