The Pinnacle Awards, presented annually by the Marble Institute of America (MIA) during The International Surface Event (TISE) in Las Vegas, NV, recognize excellence in commercial, residential and renovation/restoration of natural stone projects worldwide.
Fabricators and other members of the stone industry living in the Seattle, WA, area, came together on Thursday, May 19, 2016 for the Washington Stone Summit
More than 30 years ago, Nat Polito left a comfortable job to pursue an entre-preneurial opportunity that would soon see him as the sole proprietor of a premium marble, granite, quartz and exotic stone provider in Ottawa, Canada.
Established in 1850, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston comprises the entire state of West Virginia, a state with a population of approximately 1.8 million and 116,000 Catholics.
When Bill Woody, president of Marshall Waters Woody Architects in Springfield, MO, was commissioned in June of 2011 to design the new All Saints Church, also in Springfield, MO, he had a very precise goal in mind
The winning projects were honored, and $20,000 of award money was distributed, during the 2016 CID Awards & Opening Night Celebration on Monday, April 18 at McCormick Place in Chicago.
Featuring more than 2,000 stone companies, the 16th edition of the Xiamen Stone Fair in Xiamen China, brought together companies from all over the world.
Since 1932, the D’Amico family has invested in its Avondale Brownstone quarrying operation — making it the only source of the material that is distributed nationwide