Computer Numerical Control (CNC) technology has made its mark on stone design and fabrication. With computers controlling the machines, stone fabricators produce intricate inspiring creations with exact precision once thought impossible or too costly to achieve.
The Diamut range for edge polishers is available for all of the major machinery manufacturers, including calibrating wheels, pre-cutting wheels and generating grinder wheels. Diamut also has a new line of polishing wheels for edge polishing machines.
Prussiani introduces the new Champion 5 NT+CA version — a revolutionary high-production full CNC-controlled bridge saw designed for the maximum speed in cutting and eliminating all down times for loading slabs, programming jobs and unloading pieces.
Quartzite is a unique natural rock made up of interlocking quartz crystals resulting in a remarkably dense and hard rock. To quickly and cleanly cut a material of this quality requires a specialized blade.
Stone World magazine talked with several fabricators to find out why they invested in saw/waterjet technology and what benefits they are reaping from having the machinery
Saw/waterjet technology has been on the rise, being used in more and more shops across the country. Stone World recently asked a group of fabricators who use the technology why they decided to purchase it to begin with, what operations they use it for, and how they have seen the technology change.
SawJet technology, the combination of a saw and abrasive waterjet integrated with a cutting machine, can reduce the time associated with nearly every step in the fabrication process when compared to manual processing.
ETemplate Systems has introduced a new surface analysis tool within their Measure Manager™ software. This new tool allows companies to easily analyze surface flatness for their design and installation processes.