The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has released its most comprehensive report on architecture firm compensation and benefits trends in 15 years. The 2023 edition of the AIA Compensation & Benefits Report provides a comprehensive look into how firms are addressing rising inflation, staff shortages, and increased financial pressures and their impact on recruitment and retention.
The Star XL is a 5-axis mono-bloc CNC bridge saw that is equipped with Prussiani's patented Cut&Move system and has a large cutting stroke area of 142 x 102 inches for multiple programmed movements within a single program.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA)/Deltek Architecture Billings Index (ABI) results for July signals mostly stable business conditions. The ABI score was 50.0, indicating that billings at architecture firms remained flat for the month.
Linear drains have become increasingly popular in recent years for their modern and sophisticated appearance, and for creating a clean, single slope to the drainage. A luxurious alternative to the traditional point drain, linear drains allow for large-format tiles to be used throughout the whole room, right into the shower.
Laticrete, a leading manufacturer of globally proven construction solutions for the building industry, has introduced 254 PLATINUMTM Plus, a high-performance, lightweight thin-set adhesive mortar that builds on the strengths of the original 254 PLATINUM.
For the Unionstone Collection, Sant’Agostino considered to reproduce elements unique in nature, which celebrate the warm colors of the earth, the oasis of the desert and the surface of the moon.
New Ravenna, America’s premier designer and manufacturer of mosaics for residential and commercial installations, is pleased to introduce four additions to the Studio Line collection bringing the total number of designs to 72 selections.