This annual award, made possible through the support of the Donghia Foundation, focuses on supporting evidence‐based research that investigates the impact of interior design on a particular topic; this year, that topic is "learning experience."
This faithful reproduction of wood combines strength, ecology and beauty in a single product that is as equally at home in a luxury spa or your family room.
Art Odom, president of the company, accepted ABC's highest honor at the 26th annual Excellence in Construction® Awards gala on March 2, 2016, in Fort Lauderdale, FL.
The agreement authorizes Creative Edge to interpret distinctive designs from the Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) Foundation's extensive archives in stone, terrazzo and metal materials for residential and commercial hard surface flooring.
CAPCO will join Crossville's existing company-owned distribution arm, Crossville Tile & Stone (CT&S), which has a presence throughout parts of the southeast U.S., Oklahoma and Texas.