During a technical breakout session on Monday, October 28th at Total Solutions Plus in Boston, MA, audience members interactively edited photos from a smartphone, projected onto the screen, to review and practice the often-overlooked process of photo editing.
Total Solutions Plus 2024, taking place this week in Boston, MA, held an opening keynote address given by Dr. Jennifer Golbeck who spoke to a full room about Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Nearly 60 years since its start, the international stone exhibition continues to progress -- allowing stone industry professionals to meet, conduct business, and view the latest products and technology
More than 50,000 stone industry professionals attended the 58th edition of Marmomac for networking, education, and viewing the latest innovative product introductions.
Marshalltown, a leader in construction tools and equipment, is excited to announce the groundbreaking of its new state-of-the-art distribution facility in Kansas City, KS.