The remodeled 3,700-square-foot studio space, featuring both Daltile and sister brand, Marazzi, products, was designed by designers for designers as a collaborative workspace.
In the video, Ed talks about the overall construction of his LEED Platinum home and why Bostik's Ultra-Set® SingleStep2™ was an ideal choice for the very green project.
Through the digital printing and layering of different patterns and lines, Raffia is a tribute to the pixel art of the 80s, with its chromatic movement and alternating visual sequences that mimic textiles.
Through the acquisition of Mustang Stone Quarries, LLC, Walker Zanger will now source, design, finish and distribute the time-tested limestone which has graced historic and modern edifices alike.
The class will provide a unique opportunity for volumetric mixer owners to learn preventative maintenance, repair and troubleshooting techniques from experts in the industry.