A residence in the suburbs of Atlanta, GA, received a full-scale transformation, which brought an air of elegance, as well as an open-format living space, to its 4,128-square-foot interior.
For a junior and senior high school in LaFayette, NY, the design team from Ashley McGraw Architects, located in Syracuse, NY, wanted to make a school auditorium that is designed for performance – and that doesn't refer only to what happens on the auditorium stage.
Throughout each of the five boroughs, these patches of open land help relieve the surrounding chaos. One of the city’s most historic parks, now known as The Battery, was recently renovated using a variety of local granite which provides a fresh revived look.
Currently, the company operates four quarries in South Dakota, one in Minnesota and is in the process of opening three sites in Wyoming for Red sandstone, Teton Taupe and Casper White.
When designer Sabine Schoenberg was com-missioned to work on the renovation of a home in Greenwich, CT, her goal was to focus on the next generation of home building.
When driving down the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), which hugs the dramatic California coastline from the redwood forests to the sun-drenched beaches of San Diego, one stop worth making is at the Julia Pfeiffer Burns Vista Point in Monterey County near Big Sur.
The Stone Fabricator’s Alliance (SFA) put together for the sixth year an educational tour to give fabricators insight to areas of the industry they may not know about.