Flow Waterjet provides insight about the popularity of alternative stone options, such as quartz surfacing, and how a waterjet is ideal for cutting these materials.
Not only has it felt good to reconnect with old friends in person, but attending trade shows and other industry events again has provided great networking opportunities.
Last month, the Natural Stone Institute and Stone World held a virtual Stone Summit, hosted by Arizona Tile. During the two-day session, entitled “Right Tools for the Right Job,” a number of points were discussed by a panel of industry experts.
Stone World had the opportunity to talk to Tales Machado, president of Centrorochas, to learn more about the current state of the stone industry in Brazil
April 19, 2022
Stone World had the opportunity to talk to Tales Machado, president of Centrorochas, to learn more about the current state of the stone industry in Brazil
Initiated by the Natural Stone Institute, an open discussion took place among industry members to address current issues pertaining to the stone industry
Initiated by the Natural Stone Institute, an open discussion took place among industry members to address current issues pertaining to the stone industry
The long-lasting traits of porcelain tile were a key reason why the material was chosen for the flooring of The Trolley Stop on the campus of Lafayette College – contributing to the restaurant’s sustainable design
When a surface is stained, the discoloration is likely due to liquids carrying impurities into the capillaries of the natural stone or other manmade surface such as concrete, grout, brick or other surfaces. Here is a few helpful tips to know about stains and porous surfaces.
Stone World recently had the opportunity to talk with Laura Grandlienard, owner of ROCKin’teriors in Raleigh, NC, about the process of investing in a new piece of machinery, including important considerations and the installation.