When it came time to remodel a 7,000-square-foot residence in Dallas, TX, designer Elaine Williamson of Elaine Williamson Designs in Dallas, TX, needed to find the right balance between beauty and practicality.
Celebrating its 28th edition in Bologna, Italy, Cersaie 2010 - the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings - was held last fall, and the event hosted more than 83,000 visitors, and revealed leading trends and cutting-edge products from more than 1,000 exhibitors across 34 countries.
SassoAmerica and its parent company, Sassomeccanica SRL, have introduced the Plug’N Cut, its newest innovation and addition to its lineup of cutting and edge-polishing machines.
The Pro-Anchor T-31 Anchor Machine by Omni Cubed,
Inc. is used to easily and precisely cut curved T-slots in the back side of
stone pieces for the attachment of anchor bolts used in bottom-mount sink or
architectural facing systems.
The Wood’s Powr-Grip PT10HV11F vacuum lifter is
establishing itself as a workhorse in stone fabrication shops worldwide. The
unit features power tilt, 10 vacuum pads measuring 10 inches (25 mm), an
impressive 1,500-pound (680-kg) capacity and robust construction.
Cemabond introduces its Hi-Tech Super Adhesive for
fast setting, epoxy strength and granite laminations - distributed in the U.S.
by Regent Stone Products, in Virginia Beach, VA.